Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
Romans 12:12-13 (ESV)

Our Mission
Our Mission
Hope Repair is dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and assisting the citizens of Berkeley County, SC and surrounding areas in keeping them safe, dry and warm by making critical repairs to homes of those families unable to do this for themselves.
About​ Us
About​ Us
Hope Repair began as an Outreach ministry of Pointe North Church in October 2009 and over the past 12 years has sent volunteer teams to work on over 960 homes in Berkeley County. Since then, we have In 2019, we repaired 142 homes, a new annual record!
On the second Saturday of each month we send six to ten teams out to build wheelchair ramps and steps, work on leaky roofs, unsafe floors, decrepit plumbing, etc. We estimate that over the past twelve years we have had a $2,000,000 impact in Berkeley County due to the cost of materials and volunteer labor.
Homes Repaired
Homes Repaired